Не стартует сервер

Zimbra Release 8.0.7_GA_6021.RHEL6_64_20140408123911 RHEL6_64 FOSS edition

Перестала запускаться. Все манипуляции с zmcontrol происходят почему то с localhost а не с реальным доменом.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmcontrol status
Unable to determine enabled services from ldap.
Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate.
Host localhost
        antispam                Stopped
                zmamavisdctl is not running
        antivirus               Stopped
                zmamavisdctl is not running
                zmclamdctl is not running
                zmfreshclamctl is not running
        ldap                    Stopped
                ldap_url and ldap_master_url cannot be the same on an ldap replica
        logger                  Stopped
                zmlogswatchctl is not running
        mailbox                 Stopped
                mysql.server is not running.
                zmmailboxdctl is not running.
        mta                     Stopped
                zmsaslauthdctl is not running
                postfix is not running
        opendkim                Stopped
                opendkim is not running.
        snmp                    Stopped
                zmswatch is not running.
        spell                   Stopped
                zmapachectl is not running
        stats                   Running
        zmconfigd               Stopped
                zmconfigd is not running.

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